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I am a mom and registered nurse with a history of disordered eating. By writing about my experiences and struggles, I hope to encourage a more nuanced, compassionate vision of health.
©2021 CaringHealth Journal & Blog: Personal writing about disordered eating, HAES, intuitive eating, mental health, and motherhood challenges

Bodies Change
Bodies change—it’s what they do. Hormones wax and wane throughout a lifetime demanding our bodies develop and evolve. It’s natural and...

School Health Initiative
Hello Principal, We are so grateful for all the work you do to make the school a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow. I’m...

A Different Opinion
I spend a lot of time writing about bodies. Reading about bodies. Thinking about bodies. Maybe too much time. It started after my second...

My Pack
The large metal door rumbles open. My humans are finally home. A yip squeaks out. The man enters clutching a piece of fabric. He presents...

Beware the Lure of Restrictive Diets
Restrictive diets are very trendy right now. There are many popular eating plans which encourage cutting out certain foods or even entire...

Weight-Neutral Healthcare
I grew up believing I was overweight. I do not know if I first decided this in my pediatrician’s office when they explained to me that I...

Thoughts on Health and Healthcare
This blog has been a little neglected lately. Recently, my writing time has been devoted to two projects. First, is a novella that adapts...

Guest Post: 3 Common Phrases to Avoid Saying to Your Kids (and What To Say Instead)
I am so excited and grateful that "Her View From Home" published this piece. I have been working on it for over a year and am so glad...

Potty Training During the Pandemic
I recently began the daunting process of potty training my youngest kiddo. This transition reminded me of my attempt to potty train my...

Guest Post: Little Things Can Be Self Care Too
Check out my newest guest post. I am so grateful that "Her View From Home" shared this piece!!

Health Toolkit Part Five: The Last One
Health is different for every person. I view being “healthy” as the ability to engage in and enjoy my life. While being “unhealthy” is...

Health Toolkit Part Four: Healthcare and Medical Professionals
Being healthy is a nuanced process that requires a variety of practices and not a single solution. The healthcare system and medical...

Sometimes Our Heroes Make Mistakes
I’m taking a short break from my Health Toolkit series to share something else that has been on my mind lately. Brené Brown has been of...

Health Toolkit Part Three: Lifestyle factors
What comes to mind when you think of a healthy lifestyle? Do you imagine a restrictive diet and a rigid exercise routine? Eating less,...

Health Toolkit Part Two: Health and Weight are Not the Same Thing
The narrow image of “health” that mainstream culture promotes did not work for me. Instead, I have discovered a health which allows for...

Health Toolkit Part One: My Personal Toolkit
What is health? Is health a problem to be solved? Is health a standard to be achieved? Is there a correct way to be healthy? Or is health...

Being a Mom is Hard- Revisited
While searching an old computer for important work documents, I found some of my writing from early motherhood. Each piece was short,...

Obligation, Passion and Purpose
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about obligation, passion and purpose. As this global pandemic continues to rage, I have decided to...

Too Extreme?
Sometimes when I talk about diet culture, intuitive eating and health at every size (HAES), I feel like I’m too radical or too extreme....

Three Things I Avoid Saying to My Kids
My journey as a mom has been a challenge. My first kid taught me to let go of my expectations and to stop trying to get everything just...
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